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Wendy Ellyatt


Wendy Ellyatt has been a writer, researcher and consultant in early years education for the last 20 years.


With a particular interest in child and teacher wellbeing and the importance of nurturing natural development, she has developed three educational 

websites of her own and has had more than 60 articles published internationally.


She has been a regular contributor to Early Years Educator (EYE) Magazine and Nursery World. In 2009 she was recognised as a leading thinker in Creativity and Early  Learning through her contribution to the Demos publication 'Born Creative'.


In the same year she founded the Unique Child (UQC) Network  to challenge traditional approaches to education and to network with those seeking new and innovative solutions.


In 2010 she contributed the chapter 'The Democratization of Learning' to the highly acclaimed book 'Too, Much, Too Soon?'- Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood.

She is a Fellow of the RSA and is currently leading the development of the Save Childhood Movement  and  National Children’s Day UK 

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