Rob Yems
Rob Yems is Head of the award winning Schools’ Buying Club (SBC) which was established to help schools gain efficiencies through procurement of bestvalue services and products from the open market.
It provides a no cost service to its schools and multi-academy trust clients, ensuring that they receive professional procurement advice, and that they purchase goods and services compliantly whilst saving money.
Rob is a highly experienced and proficient procurement expert who works withindividual schools on isolated tendering requirements through to large,
complex group procurements. Rob has worked as a consultant advising central and local government bodies such as Department of Health, Department of Education and the Ministry of Justice promoting best practice and effective procurement solutions. In his role as Group Procurement Manager, Rob was responsible for all procurement activity for the Girls Day School Trust, working within the centralised services team for 27 schools. He generated savings in excess of £3m for the Trust.
He now leads the team at SBC and is passionate about saving schools
money and ensuring that they get the best deal.
Schools’ Buying Club Company Profile
Schools’ Buying Club is the only national procurement service in the UK thatis 100% dedicated to schools. Our multiple award winning tendering service has been designed with busy school business managers in mind. We operate the Club to help you create savings, efficiencies and time.
We can help your School make savings today
The Club continues to go from strength to strength with more and more schools joining every day, allowing us to really help drive down the cost of services that our schools need. We will share top tips of how to save your school money and get better contract terms..
And help you stay compliant
Schools' Buying Club will talk you through the new EU procurement legislation, that came into effect in February, and how the new regulations can actually benefit your school and help you implement an effective tender. We will also provide you with practical advice and case studies from schools who have reduced costs when purchasing cleaning, catering, ICT, capital works and other service contracts.
For more information contact us on:
or 0845 257 7050